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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 14, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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tonight. -- languorous. the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. >> sean: tonight it's game on as the ticket is now set and governor mitt romney selected congressman paul yin as his running mate to. suggest this announcement has energized the base would be a dramatic understatement. now, voter enthusiasm is surging. donations are pouring in and thousands of romney-ryan supporters flock to events over the weekend and today. now, tonight we'll check in with ann coulter, dick morris, bob beckel and others. they'll be here to break down the game-changing aannouncement. first, the man who could be next vice president of the united states has the privilege of returning to his
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home state of wisconsin sunday, and not surprisingly, congressman paul yin showed raw emotions when greeted like a rock star by the massive crowd that. excitement carried over into des moines, today, he spoke to a group at the iowa state fair, word of warning to joe biden this, is the guy you're going to be sitting across from in october's vice presidential debate. you won't be able to hide behind barack obama's teleprompter, watch this. >> president obama has given us four years of trillion dollar plus deficits. he's making matters worse and spending our children into a diminished future. we're not going stand for that. november 6th we're going to change that. >> sean: if i were joe biden i'd be worried. the president happened to be in iowa today as well and had this to say about congressman ryan. >> he's a good man, he's a family man. he's an -- articulate
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spokesman for governor romney's vision. the problem is that vision is one i fundamentally disagree with. governor romney and his allies in congress they think if we just get rid of more regulations on big corporations and give more tax breaks to wealthyest americans, if we end medicare as we know it, make it a voucher system this is going to lead to jobs and prosperity for everybody. >> sean: joining me now with her take on romney's decision and the president's ridiculous class warfare rhetoric is the author of the paper back "demondayic", ann coulter is with us. good to show you. >> good to see you, sean. >> sean: here is where why i want this decision. i know you wanted chris christie. >> i changed my mind.
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>> you can do that. >> sean: here is why. >> i think paul ryan is the perfect pick. i didn't see it until romney did it. i said trust romney, he'll make the right choice. i was right. he made the right choice. it's a beautiful combo platter. >> sean: many are predicting there is a boldness to this decision. here is my take. he said we're going to take on your economic ideas. your failed policies and offer a bold alternative. so what obama is offering. we're going to take on class warfare and redistribution. let the american people, you know hear both sides this, is a fight we can win. that is why i like it. >> i don't think it's so much bold, i mean i know what i mean, i just think its smart. he's smart to trick the democrats into being forced to debate ideas because that is not their strong suit that. is not their playing field. they win on issues like
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medicare and taxes when it is an issue that gets talked about oh, four or five minutes per day on a business show. this is the issue of the debate now. how dims are lying about medicare, it's going bankrupt, it is bankrupt for anyone aged 45 or under by the year 2034, roughly. the democrats zront a plan. what is obama just saying in that speech just now? he acts like he knows something. it's a vision i fundamentally disagree with. what is your plan? what is the democrats' plan? part of the plan is for those 55 and older who get to keep the old med qli ir -- medicare is under paying doctors so you're not going to have good doctors anyway. under the ryan plan for doctors on medicare will be paid better. you'll get better doctors and care, those of us 55 and younger will get better medical care because prices will come down when someone is
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paying other than the government, ie, someone who cares what the price is. >> sean: narrative is, and i found the president using these terms, we heard him using class war fair all weekend long, he's dangerous, extreme. what is more extreme? borrowing 40 cents of every dollar, raising the debt in the country nearly $6 trillion in four years, or saying we've got to live within our means and just reduce the rate of growth of government? what is more extreme here? >> right. >> sean: it seems this argument is winable when calmly debated on substance. chi think is what this choice does. >> yes. yes. republicans aums win on issues that get elevated to the national issue. democrats win when they can call names and create, and tell lies. conservatives can't respond to lies coming from every major main stream media outlet. we have, you can get some of
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the truth on one cable station, a few conservative magazines. you can't respond to it all. by elevating national conversation, of course we win this, is going to be an election about ideas. on class warfare, it's like a evita porone saying i don't love the poor, i hate the rich. liberals i hate them more than lib wrals -- liberals dochl but it is not going get people their jobs back by taxing george soros. and when ronald reagan cut taxes there was a lot to cut. he got be -- increased revenue to the united states treasury. if you want to spend a lot of money on government programs, you should want to cut taxes because that will increase money going to the irs. but they don't care about that. they don't care about the economy. they don't love the poor.
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they hate the rich. >> sean: let me show you. i wish i had more time. he tore him up, but very a couple moments one is that republican retreat in baltimore and the other is when he took on tax chief tim geithner. i want you to see these. these are incredible moments of someone well informed and knows budget numbers better than anyone else in washington and has no problem using them when -- around democrats. >> this bill you signed into law, domestic spending has been increased by 84%. you've said you want to take a scalpel to the budget. we want to give you that scalpel. >> we're not claiming that solves all problems facing the country but does meet the critical test of restoring our deficits to a more sustainable position for next so years. >> here is the point. leaders are supposed to fix problems. we have a $99.4 trillion
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unfunded liability. the government is making promises to americans it has no way after kting for that. and so you're saying yeah we're stabilizing but not fixing in the long run, that means we're going to keep lying to people. >> here is my take on this, we saw effort to remove scott walker in wisconsin waits telling to me that the people of wisconsin understand the times that we're living in. understand the dangers of deficit spending. it seems to me that when ryan has been arguing, what mitt romney is positioning as here is that they're banking on the fact the american people understand the danger of us becoming a bankrupt society. is that -- is the funnel mentally -- does this campaign come down to that? >> yes. and... i mean, other thing about your program does is that it harms democrats true constituency, government workers. it isn't old people, they just
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medicare payments for people on medicare now. you're getting lousy or not as good doctors that is going to increase if we stay on the path we're on. medicare is going bankrupt according to tim geithner and the whole slew of other democrats that can't avoid saying that. but what a voucher program does is that it cuts out government workers. highly pensioned and well-compensated government workers and gives you the voucher to go spend it and look over your medical bill. we're just talking about how, you know people who dealt with someone in the hospital, check the bill. you'll see a $50 bill for kleenex. right now consumer doesn't care because the government is paying. when the consumer cares medical costs are going to come down ask care is going to improve. >> sean: i never thought it's possible but i think that ann coulter loves someone more than governor krifty. i think it's paul ryan.
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it's amazing. we made history. >> good to see you. he's the best for the position. >> sean: still ahead, the first obama. do you know what the president intends to do with the country if he wins four more years? the answer may lie in his so called gas. >> if you've got a business, you didn't build that. >> private sector is doing fine. >> someone along the lines gave you some help. >> shovel ready was not as shovel ready as expected. >> cambridge police acted stupidly. >> i think we're in one of the most important election cycles ever in our lifetime... >> thank you, everybody. loo ] bet he's got an allstate agent. they can save you up to 30% more by bundling your policies.
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>>. >> sean: saturday's announcement has energized the republican base but jump stashed the projections about the electoral map, as well. some think that wisconsin and wisconsin native paul ryan could help the badger state over the republican side. here to explain what it would mean in fact if wisconsin can turn red the author of the best selling book scrooge, dick morris. it's all about electoral votes.
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about 12 or 13 of them. you have predictions. let's put them up on the screen. you say iowa, romney, michigan romney. >> michigan is too close to call. >> sean: new hampshire, north carolina will go romney and then you have ohio. you say roydz. wisconsin, romney. virginia, romney and pennsylvania which is always a tough state too close to call? >> yeah. >> sean: why do i look at that and say it's great but overly optimistic but it's too early to tell? >> we're not really reading appropriately what the voters are saying. that is what they are saying. they are saying we are going re-elect this administration. you have 50 plus percent who do
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not vote for barack obama at as some of them vote undecided. some say they are going to vote for gary johnson and some are going to vote for romney. they are all going to vote eventually against obama. this is an election where the campaigns will not determine the winner. underlying economy and environment will determine the winner. ultimately a president can't get re-elected in this kind of economy with this kind of a record and with this kind of an image. can't happen. there are a few states where he might do better than others, pennsylvania and michigan or especially democratic state, michigan is into the auto bailout. nevada and new mexico, large latino populations. you are dealing with states where repeatedly and every single poll you say, 55-56% of
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the voters refuse to vote for obama. they will vote for romney. >> sean: there is a poll that has them tied, five point lead for romney-ryan. >> there is rasmussen poll that has romney three ahead, 47-44. i think both of those are essentially the same conclusion, 46-44 mean the overwhelming majority are going to vote that way. >> when any democratic candidate starts out with california, new york, new jersey, oregon. i wouldn't be so quick on new jersey. joe corrilla is running against mendez is only eight behind and menendez is at 45. >> sean: putting politics aside for just a minute which i think
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it's hard for me to do. >> we're up to the next segment after me already? >> sean: no but when we have 25 million americans they are suffering. when 49 million americans are on food stamps, they are suffering. so i don't think they really care what obama is accusing romney of. they know what is going on now isn't working. when you explain the debt it gets worse for them. >> i think we need to understand the relative approaches to medicare of these candidates. that is going to be a key issue. obama says the government is going to determine what medical care you can and can't get. you can't take that drug. you can't have this bypass surgery. what romney and ryan are going to do is give somebody in effect
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say $5,000 and say spend it however you like on medical care. if you have anything left at the end of year you keep it and i won't tax it. if you run $2,000 or $3,000, we'll pay for that. we'll pay for that. there is a safety net. the point is that health insurers don't care about our health and we don't care about the costs. we make a great pair. what romney will do is make us responsible for the costs. therefore we'll shop, hold it down, ask questions and reduce the costs. >> sean: on a scale of one to ten, ryan choice, ten being the best, how would you score it? >> 8 or 9. he is a very strong candidate. in the primaries coming up in florida, i just wanted to mention three congressman. alan west needs help.
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john and john mica has an incredible record of achievement. he is facing primaries against republicans funded by democrats. >> sean: coming up we're going to reveal the truth about bold proposals to save medicare and we expose how much obamacare is responsible for the real medicare cuts. there is only one candidate that has cut medicare. later, how has congressman ryan's message resonated with voters in the past. frank luntz has focus groups and he is going to give us an answer [ manager 1 ] out here in the winds, i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ chirp ] [ manager 2 ] it's like working in a giant sandbox with all these huge toys. and with the fastest push-to-talk... i can keep track of them all. [ chirp ]
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>>. >> sean: ever since saturday's announcement democrats have been working overtime to hit paul ryan and in particular they are gearing in on his budget proposal which addresses the medicare crisis in the country. what democrats will not tell you is that under ryan's plan anyone over age 55 would not be affected at all. now there is another important fact that the left is gloss go over under president obama's so-called affordable care act.
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medicare spending will be cut by $564 billion. that is funny. i haven't heard that fact over the mainstream media. joining me with reaction, co-host of the five, bob beckel and author. radio talk show host. the only candidate in this race who has cut medicare, gutted medicare and taken money away from seniors is barack obama, paul ryan has not proposed such a thing. this is the lies and distortion that keeps going forward. >> there isn't a single american 55 or older that would have single medicare point changed. already president obama's $717 billion in cuts have result in millions of seniors trying to find a new doctor who can't find a new doctor because under the
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medicare that president obama has put into place they will not >> you can't educated me. nothing has changed under medicare under obama. wait a second. that is until 2021 because you are going to get savings in the program. >> can i stop you for a minute. >> affordable care act the president proposes. it got upgraded to $1.8 trillion and now it's $2.7 trillion. and he did did cut $700 billion as a proposed plan over a proposed period of time. >> the congressional budget office, by the year 2020 it will save $1 trillion. >> did did you fall in glacier, did you fall in the ice somewhere? >> that is ridiculous.
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coming from a man that is good question to ask you. >> they can have this argument all day long. on 60 minutes, governor romney and chairman ryan knocked this out of the park. seniors know, bob can talk all day and liberal media, seniors know that the changes have been put into place and talk to their doctors. doctors are getting screwed. >> this is voucher plan. medicare is not going to exist anymore. >> you are not listening, bob. >> i'm listening. >> sean: here is the reality. medicare is going bankrupt. social security is going bankrupt. this is why i lining the choice of paul ryan. what they have decided and governor romney they are take you and fearmongering below the belt, obama supporting friends that governor romney is felon, he is the kirlg of women with cancer. he hates babies. that he hates grandma and hates
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children and he hates dogs. we're going to take you on issues on substance because we want to talk about it. >> is socialist on the issues. >> there is no one out there that could vote for obama-biden based on last four years. smoking ruins of every program he has touched. he is like a walking, talking five hour energy bottle. >> he is such a bad choice. that is why we are so happy. normally vice presidents don't matter. the only one that matter is lyndon johnson. it's not going to matter. it's not paul ryan, who is nice guy, but in the end what has happened to romney ryan's policy
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is going to attach to romney. now you've got ryan's policies attached to romney. those policies hurt people.... >> wait a second. isn't this choice borrowing 46 cents of every dollar versus a plan to get the country to fiscal soundness. >> they are betting on americans being stupid. i believe americans understand we are on the edge of a fiscal cliff. i think paul ryan has helped understand it. governor romney's choice was to draw a line under the facts. >> governor romney's position, no new revenue, cut some spending, it's going to be far greater deficit. >> people will not -- they are not going to believe you. >> they will believe me. >> it can't get anything worse than $6 trillion. >> i don't agree with that. >> what about greece. >> oh, get out of here.
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[ talking over each other ] >> few more delis and stuff, what are the greeks build in jersey. >> sean: stop now. before you get in trouble. >> i'm not going to get in trouble. >> diners, i like them. >> sean: stop you are getting in trouble. i'm going to stop you before you get into trouble. good to see you. coming up, what do voters think of governor romney's running mate. frank luntz, he dialed some ads and reaches the height of absurdity as debbie wasserman schultz has no idea whatsoever that the pro obama super pac is actually affiliated with the democrats. we'll cue the insanity. >> that is priority u.s.a. it's a priority u.s.a. super pac it's a priority u.s.a. super pac those surprising little things she does still make you te notice. there are a million reasons why. but your erectile dysfunction
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plus, in-branch seminars at over 500 locations, where our dedicated support teams help you know more so your money can do more. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our teams have the information you want when you need it. it's anothereason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. it's anothereason more investors are saying... male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator.
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>>what? >>sorry. he wants you to know about priceline's new express deals. it's a faster way to get a great hotel deal without bidding. pick one with a pool, a gym, a great guest rating. >>and save big. >>thanks negotiator. wherever you are. ya, no. he's over here. >>in the refrigerator? . >> sean: new reaction from
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conservative political strategist to the selection of paul ryan has been overwhelmingly positive. as expected the democrats quickly launched into attack mode with new ads. what do great americans think of the wisconsin congressman? joining us to share what about romney's pick is frank luntz. >> i have to tell you we have been testing seven for tor yal ads and the ones from paul ryan are among the best. >> sean: drilling for oil. let's roll the tape. >> look what it costs to fill up. it's unbelievable. the price of gas is cutting into paychecks. we're sending $1.5 billion a day hostile to us. with more oil in america than the entire middle east but congress has made it illegal to drill. i want to lift the ban and use the fees from oil companies to
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develop energy alternatives. i'm paul ryan because we have to drill now. >> as high as 60 with democrats. and a little below 60 at one point. >> because we wanted american oil and american energy. we want it right here and right now. >> sean: let's go to the issue we've been discussing, issue of medicare. he wants to save it. he deals with it head on. let's roll the tape. >> i'm paul ryan. like me, are you frustrated with the problems no one is fixing, healthcare is unaffordable and medicare and social security going broke and we are shipping jobs overseas. they are america's problems. >> i've got three kids and chance in congress to fix what is wrong. i introduced a plan called the road map for america's future. i'm paul ryan and i approve this message because we need a road
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map. >> fascinating. almost equal. a lot of points during this ad with democrats and republicans. he is talking about, hey this is problem we're all sharing. >> and it resonated because he had a specifics. road map to the future. what people don't realize the democrats are demonizing paul ryan. they forget when he debates joe biden, this is most articulate officials in america today. >> sean: let's go to the healthcare cost ad. and democrats edge out republicans. let's roll the tape. >> supposed you buy this lawnmower, the you pay $400 but the guy behind you pays $200. you don't know the price of anything in medicare. at another hospital it costs more. or an mri, $600 or $3500. i have a plan that levels all prices. without price competition costs
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soar. i wanted affordable healthcare for everyone. >> it talks about and democrats like the idea. >> the issue is costs. american people if you add competition to free market principles you can bring costs down. of all the congressional ads that we tested, that is number one. paul ryan looking straight at the camera, combining policy and people and no one does it that way. there is a lesson. for every candidate you can communicate to the american people. >> sean: even the next one, shipping jobs overseas overall good choice? >> overall a perfect choice. for viewers that are watching if you what tenant to participate in one of our focus groups we'll be doing them over the 86 days,
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go to luntz >> and then you may yell at them but it's all to get the best out of people. >> i have so much fun, i don't yell at anyone any more. >> sean: as mitt romney takes his campaign out of the gutter, some democrats are claiming they have no knowledge of the priorities u.s.a. ad and they priorities u.s.a. ad and they don't have any idea who i [ engine idling ] [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] more power. more style. more technology. less doors. the 2012 c-coupe. join mercedes-benz usa on facebook for the best summer sweepstakes.
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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. >>. >> sean: mitt romney is calling on the president to take his campaign out of the gulter, arguing the recent attacks diminish the office. presidency. most americans are fed up with the politics, top democrats are trying to claim they have not seen this infamous ad blaming romney on a cancer death. those behind the pac may not be
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democrats despite the fact senior strategist bill burton served under president obama. watch this. >> priorities u.s.a. it is a super pac ad which we had nothing to do with it. i have no idea of the political affiliation of folks that are associated with that. >> bill burton used to work with the obama campaign. >> that is super pac ad. what i think of the ad there is no question that the ad raises facts such as mitt romney when he was at bain capital, bankrupt the companies, laid-off workers, cut their benefits and made millions of dollars in profits. that ad points out that there are consequences to making decisions like that that impacted peoples lives in a significant way. >> sean: joining me now to break down the democratic delusions is
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liz cheney. this campaign has hit a new low. here is wasserman schultz is lying. they knew all about his story. then bill burton, not a democratic party ad? come on. >> she got so tangled up. she had to come out and say, okay, actually i do realize that the people who run priorities u.s.a. are democrats. you know part of me makes me hope they keep doing it. american people are sick and tired of gutter politics. we have to deal with the real issues and real challenges. we've got a debt crisis the president hasn't dealt with for three years. the more that the president president's team and himself want to spend time in the gutter and tear people down, we've got a ticket that is showing we
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understand what is needed for the future. i think the better it is for all of us. they lose credibility. >> sean: what i see in the ryan pick, a seriousness in governor romney. this is a fight we want. we want to examine obama's record and we want to talk about how we would do things differently. this is a fight i think they are signaling saying we can win. they can win without these distractions? >> that governor romney can win? >> sean: yes. >> absolutely. kim stossel says we are seeing intellectual poverty on the side of the president. they don't have any ideas. they have tried their policies. their policies have failed. their solution here because they can't tell the american people, re-elect us because it's worked so well. they can't say here is what we're going to do about the debt and spending. so at the end of the day all they can do is trash our ticket.
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i think in addition to showing that they don't have anything on substance, it shows a real lack of respect for the voters. it shows a lack of respect for the nation and lack of respect for democracy. there are true colors. i think at the end of the day we will prevail zbleets. >> sean: all the democrats have said the same thing. none of them will condemn this ad. you have axelrod, stephanie caught in lie and jay car they are. this is coming from a team that lectures about tone and civility let's watch jay carney, white house press secretary unwilling to condemn this ad. >> do you really think that it's fair for someone to suggest that a candidate's actions led to someone's death? >> i appreciate the efforts to
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get me to play political punxsutawney did it, but that is not my job -- political pundit. i don't have any role in third party groups that produce those ads. >> i don't have a comment on that. >> sean: nobody will condemn the ad but they didn't have any problems after tucson and what beckel started, targeted districts. they had no problem condemning everybody else? >> think this about this after they laid the groundwork where they basically accused governor romney being responsible for this poor woman's death, that is going to affect the way that voters hear attacks going forward. we know the attacks are coming. paul ryan plan and seniors. the lies they are going to tell about that when voters here those lies they are going to think about the ridiculous
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charges and all of the footage like the stuff you just showed. president's team squirming around, we didn't have anything to do with it. all they have to do is what evan bayh did yesterday on this channel, yeah, the president should disavow this ad. it hurts his credibility. >> sean: it could have been for him in the case of returning bill maher's money, it could have been a moment where he showed he met what he said. he was leaked by example. these weren't words being read. it could have been a classic moment. even a political opportunity. >> exactly. it's surprising to me because the obama administration has such a reputation of being such wonderful stellar politicians. they seem to know how to do politics. right now they are clearly desperate. they are up against a team, governor romney and paul ryan that understands we have to
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address these challenges. the united states ought to be the strongest nation on the face of the earth. they understand the importance of the private sector. paul ryan said, if you have a small business, you did build that. president president has no substance he can counter that with. the american people are way too smart and way too concerned about the future to fall for what the details are pushing these days. >> sean: liz, thanks for being with us. >> sean: he wants another four years but what would another obama term look like? the next guest says it's off the the next guest says it's off the cuff remarks that we c [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac to provida better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! with a wide variety, you can mix and match all day. scampi, grilled, the fried -- there's nothing better.
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>>. >> sean: outrageous statements by the president have been dismissed as mishaps or gaffes but these are not the misguided actions of some amateur. these are policy decisions made by somebody who seeks to transform this country is something that our founding fathers opposed. frightening vision for our country and what would happen if we gave him four more years. author obama's america, unmaking america's dream and joined by
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doug schoen. these off the cuff moments that are not teleprompted. we put a few of them together. let's take a look. >> spread the wealth around. >> cambridge police acted stupidly. >> the shuttle ready was not a as -- shovel ready was not as shovel ready as expected. >> private sector is doing fine. >> if you are successful somebody along the line gave you some help. >> if you have a business, you didn't build that. somebody made that happen. >> last election after this, i will convey to vladimir putin. >> what is that. he is saying to the russian president, look if i told the
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american people now what i intend to do now, they would not voted for me. let's wait until i am re-elected and real obama will come out. he saying he has a hidden agenda. >> sean: it seems it always happen when he goes off the prompter? >> he says unfortunate wrong, clearly so. but the russians are fighting us on syria, they are fighting us on iran and north korea. we're not, even though i think obama could be stronger on defense. he could be stronger in his hostility to the russians or chinese. >> my point obama is not a pawn of the russians. obama has a goal of shrinking american influence in the world. he different than traditional democrats. they want to redistribute income in america.
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>> i'm a traditional democrat. >> i'm a bill clinton i'm for growth and assertive foreign policy. >> sean: you pointed out in your book, the obama and importance of ideology and he is miss industry figure to most people. -- mystery figure. he hides his real beliefs which is evidence of last four years is fairly radical. >> if he let on what his agenda is, he couldn't be elected. the key to obama is certain kind of a camouflage. that is what he is good at. look at the people who have formed his identity. he was trained when he was hawaii a former communist frank marshall davis at colombia his professor was a radical palestinian. domestic terrorist bill ayers and jeremiah wright can be summed up as god damn america.
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>> i am noommunist and no liberal. sanctions on iran were tightened. he tightened sanctions on north korea in june. he has made a lot of mistakes. we have talked about it. you know what, he doesn't have an hidden agenda. he isn't far enough in the center. >> sean: you interviewed barack obama half-brother. lives in a hut, third world port. you go over there and interview him. during the 2008 campaign didn't meet his brother. he saw the conditions. didn't he say we were to be our brother's keeper but he is generous with other people's money. he is a millionaire. >> at least irt tells american people he a hypocrite. he says one thing, spread the
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wealth around, help the less fortunate. be your brother's keeper but he is actually brother but third world poverty with sewage and slums. obama won't help. i think it's more hypocrisy. he despises the fact that brother won't worship at shrine of father. >> i think frankly it says a lot. >> would you give your half-brother. >> i would. i support my family. bottom line, the real transformation is when you have paul ryan who wants to get rid of medicare, medicaid and social security. >> he is not cutting one penny, not one elderly person. >> 40 years to balance the budget. the plan would do it in 7 years. >> 2016 the movie is out right